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Calder was older than Drudwyn and favoured his left leg and the spear was more of a crutch. Sualtam was Drudwyn's oldest surviving boy and looked to be around eighteen. Powell was Calder's eldest and looked no older than sixteen.The hand shaking was odd but they did this because they were guests and hungry. Jón brought the cadets over one at a time and introduced them so their features could be seen in the light. Since the man were still frightened Jón turned and picked up two metal skewers of meat and handed them to Drudwyn. "Take this to your family. You are in my camp as a guest and have guest rights. The only additional thing I insist on is that you use the latrine to shit and piss. It keeps our camp clean." What's a latrine?" Feed your family and I will show you." When Drudwyn turned to go, Jón picked up more meat and handed it to Calder then the two sons. Powell had to take a bite of the meat on the way to deliver it.Jón said, "White and red team, stand down and get more wood.. Then it happened. Somehow Ann became pregnant. At first she wasn't sure if mother hood was going to be her thing. But she loved decorating the baby's room, the showers, and all the other things that went with child raising.She started interviewing Nannies because she was planning on returning to work as soon as she was able. Well no matter how hard she planned, life got in the way. Oh the pregnancy was problem free if you discount the water weight, the swollen feet, the multiple trips to the bathroom to pee, the heart burn and of course those months of morning sickness.The baby developed normally. The various tests were all perfect and of course the birth was problem free. Ann had a normal labor and delivery. There were no complications or problems. But as I said life got in the way. It was a little life wrapped in a blanket and placed at Ann's breast by a nurse.When our daughter started nursing, Ann just stared at her.It took about 5 minutes before Ann spoke, "Would you call my.
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