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.and visible growing bigger.It didn't take Kate long to finish most of the solid foods, as she slurped down the last of the Chinese food and her fourth pan of pasta. Her belly reached her knees, the fat surrounding it sagging down on the sides of her thickened thighs, and sat between them the size of a rather large beach ball. Her breasts weren't too far behind, as they sat at basketball and still rounded. Her ass, however was competing with her belly and while losing, began to put pressure on the hardwood chair she sat on.If Kate were to pause from her eating and look around, she would notice 4 jugs of whole chocolate milk she mixed herself, 3 large pots of creamy fattening soup, and her 7 jumbo cans of whipped cream. And while she did look around, all she did was grab a pot of soup, maneuvered it to her lips and began to drink deeply. With each gulp, her belly swelled past her knees and more to the sides as the fat piled on. Her breasts moved to the sides to accommodate for their. Before he'd left, Dino had hinted that Rocky would be getting full sex privileges with all his concubines. She didn't know whether he'd really meant that, or if he was just pulling her chain to try to get a rise out of her and the other women living in the pod. It worried her though. It worried her a lot.For some reason, Dino couldn't seem to imagine that oldest kid of his having any chance at all of scoring well enough on his CAP test to qualify to be a Confederacy volunteer in his own right. Erica wasn't so sure. She'd seen the kid spending quite a bit of his free time hooked up to the Confederacy learning machine they had in their pod. She knew, for a certainty, that Rocky had completed the full primary education package the Confederacy had put together for the dependent children of sponsor's and their concubine's.Rocky was a pain in her ass, but he wasn't stupid. She had wished, many times, that he was. It would have made things a lot simpler for her if he had been. In some ways,.
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