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Losing track of what she was saying, I closed my eyes and wondered if she was ever going shut up I had had enough and stood up. Sensing I was about to leave she suddenly stopped talking and looked up at me with a glint in her eyes and the most amazing smile. I bent down and kissed her, biting her lips hungrily. I clasped her hands in mine and pushed her back onto the rug we had spread out on the verandah. I knelt above her and ripped off her shirt exposing her gorgeous tits and rock hard nipples. I dived in sucking and biting one nipple than the other. Her body writhered and moaning in pleasure. Moving back up kissing and biting until I reach her lips, her kisses were the hardest and sweetest I had ever known, the reason I stayed around. I pulled her to her feet, and she slowly rose with a look of anticipation on her face. I knew what she wanted, she loved pleasure with some pain. Undoing her jeans I kissed her inner thighs and stomach, teasing her. She quickly pulled off her shorts. Looked at him. She knew he was kidding but still took it to heart, storing it some place where she could reflect on it on a night when she couldn’t sleep. ‘I definitely don’t want to be that.’ Jon walked over to the bed taking a seat and looking up at her. A small smile played on his lips at the thought of how she must have felt. When he said that her eyes had met his directly and she had been looking for something. Hoping that maybe he was serious about his question. He wanted to tell her that he was but he didn’t. She was already uncomfortable enough. ‘Look,’ he began. ‘Kitten—’ ‘Don’t call me that.’ Jon sighed then started over. ‘Okay, Caden. I know you don’t want to be friends. I know you hate my guts. I guess I can see why. I was a prick to you but you have to understand.’ ‘Understand what?’ she asked. She took a few steps back and leaned against the back wall, folding her arms. Jon looked up at her and saw her gaze already piercing his. She was waiting for something good, and.
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