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Amber, his contact with the agency, had booked him with a bubbly blonde called Suzanne who was looking for a date for the night to go nightclubbing. He was to meet her at her hotel at eleven that night. Was to be wearing a suit and tie and be prepared for a long evening. Suzanne answered his knock, opening the door to her room with a smile and a welcome in. “Just finishing up.” She said over her shoulder as she headed for the bedroom. “Won’t be a moment, make yourself comfortable.” Her accent hinted at California. Her perfume left a heavy trail behind her. Her dress, gauzy and multi-coloured, flowed long, to mid calf, but seemed to accentuate her figure. She was as tall as he, in her metallic grey sandals. Her hair flowed to shoulder blade length in blonde tresses of luxuriant thickness. Robert thought that she might look fantastic naked, at least from the rear view he had. She also had a perma-tan, typical of American women. . I couldn't help but stare, she smiled at me sweeping her red hair from her face "all yours..." she said with a smile before walking off.I went into the both and started to get changed into my Spidey suit when I suddenly realised I'd forgot my cricket box that I'd usually wear to help hide my privates. Improvising I stuffed some socks down there, it wasn't ideal but needs must. I started packing my regular clothes away when I noticed a phone ringing, I knew it wasn't mine and looking on the floor I saw a mobile ringing away. I quickly deduced it must have been Ivy's. I answered it and I instantly recognised Ivy's voice, "hello? You've got my phone, where are you?" She sounded panicked. I reassuringly quickly explained that she must have dropped it getting changed. "Please stay there, I'm coming back" she frantically spoke. I stepped outside and waited a while, and sure enough I saw her come running back. "Thank you, thank you, thank you so much..." she gasped. Smiling I handed her.
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