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In the afternoon, I want you to visit the Mukteswari Temple to attend the ' Aarti'. The conversation concluded and Maya alighted from his room. Again she had the feeling that Guru-ji was eyeing her undulating large hips under the sari, as he viewed her from ground angle. She was conscious that she was not wearing a panty and so was more alert probably. She went to her room, had her breakfast before going to temple and after some loitering in the ashram and gossiping with Meenakshi, She went to her room to get ready to visit the Shiv Narayan temple. Little did She know what sort of embarrassment and humiliation awaited her in a sacred place like a temple! After some time Uday Came and asked Uday: Madam, are you ready? Maya: Yes. How far is the temple Uday? We both tried to act normally towards each other. Maya had taken her medicines and had worn the pad and was ready to move on. Uday had a good physique, and after yesterday's incidents, she was finding Uday. Ovviamente l'atmosfera era elettrizzante, e anche gli altri normali avventori spesso ci guardavano sorridendo. Ormai tutti avevano capito che le "donne" del nostro tavolo erano in realtà uomini travestiti, ma in realtà erano tutti contagiati dal nostro calore e buonumore.The party went on very well, the dinner was excellent and everyone enjoyed the courses.Obviously the atmosphere was electrifying, and even the other normal customers often looked at us smiling. By now everyone had understood that the "women" of our table were actually men in disguise, but in reality they were all infected by our warmth and good humor.Giunti ormai al termina della cena è arrivato il momento dei "regali" al pensionato. Per tradizione i regali sono oggetti e gadget di natura molto umoristica, i classici scherzi goliardici, che hanno riscaldato ancora di più l'atmosfera.Ma prima, ovviamente, le "signore" si sono recate in bagno per ritoccare il trucco e il rossetto!Having reached the end of the dinner,.
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